Friday, June 15, 2012

Remission phase II !!

I fell in love with soba noodles since I moved to good!!

A few days ago I had an appointment with my doctor to hear about the results of ultrasound test I went through about 10 days ago. When I entered my doctor's office, he stared at me for a second with a surprise, and exclaimed, "Your hair grew!" Yes, my hair has grown, perhaps about 1 cm since i saw him last time. The back of my head that had lost hair from radiotherapy is also no longer bald, it's full of  new born hair like baby's hair. It's awesome and I'm interested in experiencing how hairs harden and become stiff overtime.

So the super good news is that I cleared the second evaluation! Yay! Well, the ultrasound did detect something (dead lymphoma I hope) on my left lower neck, but they can't really determine the activity or the content of 'something', so t will need to go back in August for comparison.

Additionally, I began to notice the amount of saliva I produce in my mouth has decreased. This must be from radiotherapy, which was expected and explained by my radiology doctor earlier. Having less saliva is not going to kill me, but now I have to be careful of cavity much more, and I also have to worry about bad breath (since saliva helps clean inside your mouth).

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