Monday, November 28, 2011

Chemotherapy 8/8...done with chemo!

Special thanks to Nakai-Sensei for
the and-made adorable charms!
Two Fridays ago, I was able to do the last round of chemo (and hopefully the last one of my life)!! As for the chemotherapy, I was put to sleep during the injection so I didn't have to fight through the emotional instability. I still experienced nasty side effects afterwards but knowing that it is my last round, it helped me to recover psychologically much faster than physically. 

Every round of chemo I experience, I realize that my psychological health comes before my physical health. I've read in the same book I introduced last time (Girls Story by Atsuko Asano), "the most difficult illness to cure is the one that the patient lacks willingness to cure." There is also the famous Japanese proverb, 「病は気から」, meaning "illness starts with the mind," expressing the importance of mind that plays in human health. I bet there's a similar proverb in English, too.

What's next?
Once my WBC# and its segment are recovered, the radiotherapy will start. I have an appointment with the radiotherapy doctor next week Tuesday, where I may start the therapy later next week. And guess what? If my body is recovered to normal, I get to eat sushi!!!! I've written my cravings for raw fish numerous times, and it had been indeed a pain to live in Japan where there's full of temptations for raw fish but not being able to consume it. 


  1. YAY!!! I'M HAPPY FOR YOU!!! <3 <3 <3

  2. forgot to complement you on the picture! nice job!!! :D

  3. Yay congratulations! The worst is over!!!

  4. Congrats! :::hugs::: You've now given fish around the world fair warning... The countdown to fishy massacre has begun!

  5. Congratulations, my dear Angie! I am soooooooo proud of you!!!!!
