In the U.S:
- About 8,000 (4,400 males and 3,820 females) cases detected every year, representing about 11 % of all lymphoma diagnosis. (1)
- Between 2002-2006, 12 per 100,000 Asian/Pacific Islander women in the U.S. were diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Where as the number is 20 per 100,000 women for White, the highest among all races (2)
In Japan:
- Hodgkin's lymphoma represents about 5 % of all lymphoma diagnosis in Japan
- 6 per 100,000 women in Japan are diagnosed with lymphoma per year (3)
- I per 100,000 is diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma (4)
Other stats
- 3.85 per 100,000 people died from car accident in Japan, in 2009 (5)
- 24.9 per 100,000 people committed suicide in Japan, in 2010 (6)
- 10 our of 10,000 people may smell sounds, researchers says (7)
- 1 our of 10,000 people live to be 100 in the U.S. (8)
In conclusion, it seems like my disease is as rare as living till 100 in the United States. It is still hard to believe what I have, and I don't know how I should react to the fact. Sometimes I feel like I don't give enough thoughts to it.
3. Goo healthcare, 悪性リンパ腫
4. Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, No.7, p1825
4. Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, No.7, p1825
5. 日本の交通事情, Universal Traffic Management Society of Japan
7. Researchers: 1 Out of 1000 people may smell sounds, Foxnews, 2007
8. Medical researcher believes HDL may be key to a long life, Palm Beach Daily News, 2011
7. Researchers: 1 Out of 1000 people may smell sounds, Foxnews, 2007
8. Medical researcher believes HDL may be key to a long life, Palm Beach Daily News, 2011
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